A Quick Start Guide to Electionix Web

# Type of users

# Client Subscription

# How to use

    # Admin

    # Election Officer

# Setup

    # Election

# How to vote

    # Voters

# Admin and Election Officer

    # Monitoring

    # Results

Welcome to Electionix Web!

    Automated Voting System. Fast Voting Experience. Able to vote anywhere and anytime. Flexible, Convenient, and Secured.

Type of users

Client Subscription


    The client will contact the software provider. Then, the Software provider will create a subscription for the client. After subscription, the Software provider will create an Admin user for the subscriber.

How to use



    Admin will log in using the credentials given by the software provider.

    Admin will create a user or election officer.


    Admin will add some voters to the election. It can be done by adding manually or importing some CSV file.

Election Officer


    The election officer will log in to the system.

    The election officer will create a new election by filling all the required fields.




    After the election has been created.  Click the setup button in the Action column. The election officers will set up election positions and candidates.

    The Election Officer will add some positions. Fill in all the required fields in adding positions.

    After the position has been set up, the election officer will add some candidates to every position. Fill in all the required fields to add candidates.

    After the Election Officer added all positions and candidates. The Election officer must submit the election setup.

    After the election has been submitted, an election should be published by the admin or the election officer so that voters will be able to see the list of candidates for the upcoming election. Once the election has been published, it cannot be edited anymore.

How to vote



    After a voter has been registered by the admin. The voter will log in to the system and will be able to see a list of candidates. They will vote for their best candidates for the designated position.

    After choosing the best candidate, the voter will cash its votes. And then, after casting, the voter will be redirected back to the voter login page. 

Admin and Election Officer



    Monitoring of votes.

    Generate a summary of results.


    Generate Winner of Election.