A Quick Start Guide to Online Membership Application

# How to Apply

    # Personal Information
    # Documents Required
    # Agreement and Acknowledgement

# Monitoring of Membership

    # Tracking Code

# Process the Membership Application

    # Membership lists to be assign

    # Assign Task for Processing

    # Verify Membership Application

    # Approved / Disapproved

# Overview

Welcome to the Online Membership Application!

    Online membership is a web-based application to easily apply for membership in an online platform, this application minimizes the hassle of filling out long forms and submitting paper documents. Stress-free and you can also monitor the status of your membership application by just providing the correct tracking code generated by the system.

How to Apply

Personal Information

    To apply for membership, you must fill out all required fields in the form and submit documents required with just a screenshot of valid id, proof of billing, and etc.. You must fill out all the required information below.

    NOTE: If not applicable, please write "N/A" or "None".

Documents Required


    Submit all the required documents. All documents to be submitted must be valid.

New Concern


    Must accept all the agreements required - Agreements and Acknowledgement, and the truth of the statement.

Monitoring of Membership

Tracking Code


    Every membership application submitted, the system will generate a tracking code that will be sent via SMS / Email to the one who applied, then this tracking code will be used to monitor the progress of the membership application.

    Enter the correct tracking code.

    The page of monitoring membership applications. Customers can leave comments/messages or can upload other documents if the documents provided are not valid.

Process the Membership Application

Membership lists to be assign


    After logging in as the team leader will be redirected to this page, to see pending and unassigned membership application forms.

Assign Task for Processing


    The team leader must assign a member who will process and verify the membership application form. This will be found in the lower right corner of the image, upon clicking the dropdown option it will show a list of members, and the team leader must choose one.

    Upon choosing an assignee, the status will update to in-process and the customer will be notified via email or SMS.

Verify Membership Application


    Assignee can only see membership application forms that are assigned to him/her.

    Assignee/member will review and verify all the details provided by the customer, especially the documents which can be found in the More Details section. A member can also leave a message.

    After review and verification, the assignee will update the membership application status for approval, which will be sent back to the team leader.

Approved / Disapproved


    In the upper right corner, there is a dropdown list to select whether the membership application is Approved/Disapproved, done!, the customer is now a member and can now access the e-services or web portal application.


    Concept overview of the membership application.