A Quick Start Guide to Help Desk

# Concerns

    # New Concern

    # Track Concerns

# Admin and Staffs

    # Login

    # Dashboard

    # Lists of Concerns

# Tickets

    # Assign Tickets

    # Process Tickets

    # Resolve Tickets

# Flow Chart

# Overview

Welcome to the Help Desk!

    Help Desk is a web-based application that is used to create automated concerns. It is used when a member has concerns about their loan status application, the status of profile update, ATM loan issues, and many more. Through.


New Concern


    To create a new concern/ticket, a member must fill all the required fields needed.

    NOTE: Only registered members can create a concern/ticket.

Track Concerns


    Every concern created in the system will generate a tracking code or ticket number in order for the members to easily monitor their concerns or issues.

    To monitor your concern you must click the ticket number button.

    You will be redirected to this page, and you must input here the tracking code/ticket number that the system was generated and sent via SMS and email, and then click submit.

    After submitting the correct tracking code/ticket number, you will be redirected to this page. On this page, you can monitor the status of your concern and the designated team member who will process your concern. You can also leave a message and upload an image or file.

Admin and Staffs


    Admin, Team leaders/staff, and Team members have their credentials to log in to the helpdesk application in order for them to view the dashboard, monitor the concerns, and process the issue that is being raised by the member.



    Must provide email and password to log in with the system.



    Only Admin and Team leaders can view the dashboard. This dashboard contains charts and analyses of the concerns that were being raised by the member.

Lists of Concerns


    This is the list of concerns being raised by the member. In order to view a concern, you must click one concern.


Assign Tickets


    After clicking one concern, you will be redirected to this page. On this page, a team leader/admin can assign a team member who will process the issue or concern, they can also add participants, select a due date, and can leave a message with a file or image upload.

Process Tickets


    After the ticket has been assigned to the designated team member, the status of the concern/ticket will be changed to In Process, and will send a notification via SMS and email to the member.

    The ticket/concern is now being processed by the assignee.

Resolve Tickets


    After the concern was processed, it is now ready to be solved, and in order for the ticket/concern to be resolved just click the In Process, in the upper right corner, then it will show a dropdown with the list of options. Just select Resolved, then click the Check button and done!

    After the concern has been resolved it will again send a notification via SMS and email to the member to let them know that their concerns have been resolved.

Flow Chart



    A short overview of how the Help Desk application works.