A Quick Start Guide to Issue Tracker

# Users

    # Register
    # Login
    # Account activation

# Issues

    # Create new issues

    # Issue tracker

    # Resolve issues

# Changelogs

    # Add to changelogs

# Teams

# Overview

Welcome to Issue Tracker!

    Issue Tracker is a web-based application used by developers, implementers, and company clients to track and monitor software product problems and concerns. This is to ensure that the software provided is functioning correctly and to enhance its features and improves its functionality.



    In order to use the issue tracker app, you must first have login credentials to the application. If you don't have it you can register to the app by clicking the register button on the login page.

    Just complete the details required then submit, temporarily your account will be inactive, just wait for the admin/implementation head to activate your account.


    Once your account has been activated, you are now ready to log in to the application by providing your account username and password.

Account Activation

    If you have permission to activate/deactivate a user account you can find it in this menu, User > Access Rights.

    To activate/deactivate an account just find the newly registered user then click the orange button on the right side.

    Just click the status option and select the status you want to gice the user account. And also, select roles for the user the click the update info button.


Create new issues

    If you are an implementer or client, you have permission to create an issue.

    Just fill all required fields in creating a new issue and then click the save button.

Issue Tracker

    You can monitor all the issues that you have created and view their progress. 

    You can view lists of issues here, all issues that belong to you.

    Details of the issue and its progress.

Resove issues

    In order to resolve an issue just click the button in the upper right corner beside details, refer to the image above, it will show dropdown options select resolved option.


Add to changelogs

    After the issue has been resolved it must be sent to changelogs to track and monitor the improvements, issues and enhancements of the software, and to know its prevent version.

    Inside the comments/replies section, you have a paper airplane in the upper right corner of the comment, just click it and you will be redirected to the changelogs page.

    Enter project build and display status, then click the save button, and success! You have sent the issue to the changelogs.


    Monitoring issues is very complicated especially for the implementers, they handle lots of clients and each client has different issues in the same software. So teams module to the rescue, its features is to tag all clients in one team and that implementers created. It monitors all client issues separately and each team has members to work on every client issue that belongs to them.

    This example is a page of a group or team, each team must have a team leader in order for them to, edit team name, add a new member of the team and add a new client that belongs to the team

    To monitor each client issue, just click the client and you will be redirected to this page and as you can see in the image issues are separated based on the status and the team member who created the issue.



    In this overview, we can clearly see how the issue tracker works.